Humanitarian Aid to Ukrainian Army & National Guard

Fundraising Campaign for the Humanitarian needs of the Ukrainian ARMY and National Guard and their families

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In coordination with the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States, UUARC is conducting a fundraising campaign for the HUMANITARIAN NEEDS of the UKRAINIAN ARMY and NATIONAL GUARD, and their families.


Tax-deductible contributions may be made to UUARC accounts in the following financial institutions and their branches:

  • Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union, Chicago
  • Self Reliance NY Federal Credit Union, New York
  • SUMA Federal Credit Union, Yonkers
  • Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit Union, Philadelphia
  • Ukrainian Selfreliance New England Federal Credit Union
  • MB Financial Bank, Chicago and Philadelphia.
  • On-line donations may be made here.
  • Donations by mail may be sent to: UUARC, 1206 Cottman Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111 Please indicate (on check Memo line) how your contribution should be allocated: “UA” or “NG

UUARC accounts at the above financial institutions for those who were injured during the events on Kyiv’s Independence Square (Maidan) and for the families of those who were killed are active. Donations to these accounts should indicate “EU” or “Maidan” on the Memo line.


All donations received for the humanitarian needs of the Ukrainian Army and National Guard, will be transferred and delivered through a charitable non-governmental organization in Ukraine and will be fully reported.

Contact info
Phone: (215) 728-1630
Address: 1206 Cottman Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19154

Join the Newsletter

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, donations to UUARC are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

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